Text-only version:
We are inclusive, affirming, responsible, and value diversity in all we do.
● We are community-minded.
● We support all our stakeholders: under-represented communities, composers, audiences, performers, funders, the Chicago area, and the larger world.
● We are bold. We focus on cultures that are poorly understood and we challenge preconceptions.
● We are kind; we support each other.
● We are respectful; we represent people as they want to be represented.
● We have a growth mindset: we strive for excellence and growth in all we do.
● We are transparent and sustainable.
● We measure our impact using both numbers and feelings.
● We welcome people of all backgrounds – any age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, and ability.
● We embrace diverse perspectives, even when they seem to be in conflict.
● We continue to expand and deepen our relationships with diverse communities and expand and diversify our musical repertoire.